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Expanding into the Heart of Winter with Yoga Teachers Association of Hudson Valley


A Mini Retreat to Pause, Restore, Reconnect, and Return

Join us for a deep dive into the sacred pause, where we will weave together practices that harmonize our bodies, minds, and spirits in order to return to our natural warmth, connectedness, and spaciousness. Taking time to prepare for the winter solstice and holiday season in this way can deepen your sense of wholeness and wellness throughout the season.

In Latin, the meaning of solstice is the "sun set still." Historically, many cultures honor the solstice as a time to acknowledge the cycle of life and death, death and rebirth; our greatest contraction and expansion. For after the long dark evening of the winter solstice, the sun experiences a rebirth; it waxes in power and daylight hours begin to grow longer again. It is a very powerful time to pause and reconnect with your own innate luminosity and spaciousness.

In this mini-retreat, we will create conditions to rest deeply in this sacred pause using slow flow yoga, meditation, and restorative poses that will calm your body, clear your mind, and open your heart. Weaving in essential teachings from her book, Deep Listening, Jillian will guide you to release blocked energy, surrender layers of deeply held stress and tension, and nurture your capacity for greater joy, compassion, and intuition.

Suggested props: Three blankets (towels can be used as well), one pillow, two blocks, yoga mat.

NOTE: A recording will be made available to registrants for 7 days following the workshop.