The Divine Feminine Yoga Telesummit | The Life Changing Practice of Softening into Your Authentic Self



In February 2016, I was one of 25 featured experts in women’s empowerment and yoga for The Divine Feminine Yoga Conference. Judith Lasater, Angela Farmer, Sally Kempton, Amy Weintraub, Nischala Joy Devi and many other amazing teachers shared their personal stories and encouragement to live more authentically even in the face of self-doubt or fear.

Tedx | Mindplay to Expand Love in Your Life



Friendship is as important to our health as getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising. In this talk Jillian Pransky tells us that this is old news. 2,500-years ago Metta meditation was presented as a path to befriend our selves and develop a greater capacity to connect deeply with others - in the playground of our mind. 

YogaDork Ed | Expanding Into The Heart Of Winter + 10 Minute Restorative Goddess Practice



Winter is nature’s time of hibernation, retreat, and contraction. As winter’s cold, wet, dark, and heavy qualities increase around us, they grow within us as well. Nature demands that we insulate more as winter encourages us to wear more layers, stay inside, and do fewer activities outdoors.