Restorative Yoga Training: Deepening Your Practice and Teaching


Since 2001, I have been leading Restorative Yoga Teacher Trainings across the country. Fifteen years later, it is amazing to see these healing styles of yoga being offered everywhere. Popular magazines are featuring restorative practices.  Celebrities are promoting it. “Restorative is the new power yoga” and is most definitely trending in 2017.
But most exciting is the research confirming the impact of restorative yoga on everything from:

  • relieving anxiety to insomnia
  • alleviating symptoms of depression to increased energy
  • improving healing time to lessening chronic pain

Studies have proven that restorative yoga can help people cope with series illnesses such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and MS. 

I am continually gifted the opportunity to witness life-changing shifts in my students. Restorative yoga has a profound effect on my students (and myself!) It fuels my passion and dedication in helping other teachers further experience and develop their skills in these healing practices.

I am excited to announce my upcoming trainings for Spring 2017. I am offering several Restorative Yoga modules across the country and my annual 50 Hour Restorative Course. Plus, brand NEW, my 29 Hour Restorative Course at Kripalu is now part of the 1000 Hour Kripalu Teacher Training Program!   

March 3-6 & March 10-12, 2017, NYC. At Yogaworks Soho. (212) 965-0801

March 3-4, NYC. Yogaworks Soho
Level 1 Restorative Yoga Teacher Training
Friday 11:30am-7:30pm & Sunday 11am-7pm
Learn to create and lead a full restorative yoga practice, incorporate restorative poses into private sessions or more active yoga classes. The program is also perfect for body workers or those who want to integrate restorative practices with other therapeutic modalities.

March 5, NYC. Yogaworks Soho
The Art of Teaching Restorative Yoga with Minimal Props
Learn to Create Restorative Poses with 1-3 props.

March 6, NYC. Yogaworks Soho
Guiding and Queuing Students into Deeper states of Relaxation NYC Yogaworks 
Learn Language and Techniques To Guide Your Students Into Deeper States Of Rest And Healing.

March 10, NYC. Yogaworks Soho  
The Art of Hands-On Adjustments For Deeper States of Relaxation and Healing
Cultivate the Full Potential of Your Hands-on Offerings During Restful Poses.

March 11-12, NYC. Yogaworks Soho
Level 2 Restorative Yoga Teacher Training 
Saturday 11am-7pm & Sunday 9:30am-5:30pm
Deepen your skills and knowledge in using therapeutic application of restoratives when working with students suffering from chronic stress, pain, illness, or injury.

April 2-7, 2017 Lenox, MA. Kripalu
29 Hour Restorative Therapeutic Teacher Training

This training merges the material of Level 1 and Level 2. It can be taken as a standalone course and is also part of Kripalu's NEW 1000 Hour Yoga Teacher Training! This new 1000 training gives students an opportunity to study with some of today's most influential yoga teachers and thought leaders—favoring no tradition, no lineage, and no school.

April 28-30, 2017 Santa Monica, CA. Yogaworks
Foundations of Restorative Yoga: 4/28 Friday 9am-5:30pm
Restorative Yoga Training Level 2 4/29-30. 9am-5pm.
This can be taken as a one-day Foundations training or a three-day Training. Foundations must be completed to participate in Level 2 unless you have years of experience teaching Restorative and have applied directly to Jillian at

May 23 & 24, Westport, CT. Kaia Yoga
Restorative Yoga Teacher Training Level 1

Learn to create and offer a full restorative yoga class. You may incorporate restoratives into other yoga classes and develop a deeper personal practice. You can integrate your knowledge with other therapeutic modalities.

Thank you for your own practice and your sharing of yoga. As each of us learns to relax more deeply, it's not only good for us, but we have a nourishing impact on everyone we come into contact with. Little by little, this spreads more peace on the planet. 

Please feel free to email with any questions at And if you know friends who are interested in transforming their teaching or personal practice, I'd be honored if shared this blog with them. 

With love and gratitude,