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Summer Mini Retreat

  • Elevate Yoga | Hazlet, NJ 82 Bethany Road, Unit 5 Hazlet, NJ 07730 732-888-YOGA (map)

Yoga and Ayurveda to Help You Expand with Summer's Sun

after all this time
the sun
never says to the earth, "You owe Me."
Look what
happens with a love like that,
It lights
up the Whole Sky.

Come join Jillian for a mini-retreat integrating slow flow vinyasa, restorative, and deep relaxation designed to let the sunshine with in! Using Yoga and Ayurvedic techniques this workshop will help you to revitalize your connection to your own core strength, root you deeply to the earth, and make more room for your breath to expand, inner warmth to radiate, and mind grow spacious.

You will leave with daily life style tips to stay balanced all season long; staying grounded and cool, while you with you expand and glow! 

$45 for early registrants

$55 after May 15, 2014