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A Summer Solstice Mini-Retreat | Live Streaming

A 2-hour practice integrating chakra-focused slow flows, meditation, and restorative practices that will invite you to receive the sun's vibrant healing energy. Join us live or receive the recording.

Yogis have long practiced aligning with the life-giving force the sun, Surya, and expressing reverence for its gifts of beauty. In this profound yet simple sequence, we will pause for a deeper clearing of stagnant energy making more space for your inner radiance and creative energy to glow and flow. 

I will guide you through a mindful chakra-focused yoga experience, integrating awareness practice with a full range of breath-based movement, mantra, restorative relaxation, and a final meditation. Together, we will align with the resilient light and energy of our sun that shines upon us, within us, and from us.

You'll need a mat, two blocks, and three yoga blankets or bed pillows.

Price:  $35 / What You Will Need: A Yoga mat. Two blocks. Three yoga blankets or bed pillows.