Expanding in the Heart of Summer:
Practices to Feel Calm, Clear, and Connected
Friday July 2 at 11-11:30am EDT
Recording access through July 31
Summer is a time of expansion. Daylight is longer; nature blooms out in all directions. Like the trees in a forest, we begin to branch outward because their roots are making a deeper connection with the earth. The season creates conditions that offer us the support we need for expansion: We extend our time outdoors, communing with others and bathing in nature—especially after our circumstances in the last year. We also expand inward.
In this summer class, we will dive in deep to harness the energy of summer and support our own “expanding body of light.” Through slow flow yoga, deep rest, restoratives, and Metta meditation practices you can take off the mat, we’ll:
Gently release stagnant energy and tension
Become more grounded and expansive
Explore the benefits of inner reflection and self-love
As you come home to your body, breath, mind, and heart, find access to more resources and a greater capacity—physically, mentally, and emotionally—to return to a sense of calm and connectedness.
July 5-Class Series: Sign up for all 4 Friday Flow & Rest classes, along with the single Pure Restorative, and you'll save 17%. Learn more here.
July 9-Class Series & Mini-Retreat — save 20%, enjoy all recordings through September 6! Sign up for all 4 Friday Flow & Rest classes, the single Pure Restorative, 4 additional curated on-demand classes, and the Mid-Summer Dream Mini-Retreat. Learn more here.