Spring Tips for Blooming Open
1. Try A 5-Minute Free Cleanse
Enjoy this free five-minute video on Legs-Up at home or in the office. It will refresh and cleanse the body & mind in minutes!
2. Add a Daily Home Practice to Your Routine
YogaWorks is offering 6 Weeks of FREE Membership to their online yoga studio, myYogaworks.com with a coupon code. Enjoy my 26 min Restorative Yoga Session - great to 'rest and digest'. Use Coupon Code, JILLIAN at checkout and enjoy myYogaWorks at home for 6 weeks! It will get you through the season.
3. Let it Go with Relaxmore
My 20-minute guided relaxation is perfect to help let go of the "stuff" and open into the new! Remember that if you are looking to ‘eliminate’ to ‘digest’ you need to have your nervous system in the state of Rest and Digest. In other words, rest and relaxation are mandatory in the elimination process. Read more about Relaxmore or purchase today.
4. Breath Spring Air
Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Sodhana) is considered one of the best breathing techniques to calm and refresh the mind and nervous system. To learn more about alternate nostril breathing, visit Holistic Online.
5. Dry Brush Your Skin
The skin is one of the five main elimination channels of the body. It's estimated that one third of all impurities leaving the body are eliminated through the skin. A dry brush massage exfoliates and promotes detoxification through the skin while stimulating the lymphatic system. Learn more about the art of sloughing it off.
6. Clearing Out the Clutter
In Clutter's Last Stand, Aslett suggests, "Getting the clutter out of your life can and will rid you of more discouragement, tiredness, and boredom than anything else you can do." Ask yourself, how many things are you holding onto just in case you need them? Make a plan to go through your whole house slowly (maybe one room a week). Don't look upon the cleaning as a chore but as a chance to let "the new" into your life. Get rid of things that are no longer of use such as pens out of ink, expired medicine, outdated foods, old perfume or makeup, clothes that might fit someday. Remember, just because you bought it once doesn't mean you have to keep it forever.
7. Get Out!
Keep in mind, that while this is an inspiring time of year, Spring can bring on some serious turbulent energy. It is a time of great change, release, and renewal. During these times of transformation being out in nature can help you feel centered and make the transition easier. Walking through the park or woods, digging in the dirt and breathing in the fresh spring air are a few simple ways to harmonize with spring’s energy.