Reducing Every Day Stress

Reducing Every Day Stress

In my past 25 years of teaching, I have never met a person who isn't harboring some level of habitual tension. Tension has a psycho-neurological component. Every time we don’t feel okay about something, we tense up in our body and it doesn’t release until we feel grounded, slow down, take a deep breath, and soften our body.

Eventually, stress can manifest in the body as tension. Tension, IS the stress response finding a home in the body.

When we relax areas of habitual tension, we send a message to the body that we don’t need to be armoring ourselves and defending ourselves from a threat.

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SOS Tools to Help Ease Tension and Find Relief During Those Tough Times

SOS Tools to Help Ease Tension and Find Relief During Those Tough Times

In my new show, Yoga For Anxiety on Yoga Anytime we explore simple movements, slow mindful flowing yoga, breathing practices, restorative yoga, meditation, conscious relaxation, and 1-minute SOS tools to help ease tension and find relief during those tough times. These practical tools and techniques will help you feel more grounded, calm, and present.

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When a panic attack becomes a gift.

When a panic attack becomes a gift.

I came to learn that inside, I held buried feelings that came from growing up with a chronically ill and volatile father. I just was not aware of how deeply I was holding onto things...until I had the panic attack. What seemed to have happened, was that the trauma of losing my sister-in-law, who was around my age and a lot like me, was a trigger event for facing the vulnerability that I'd been suppressing for so long. 

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