6 Tips to Balance Your Vata Everyday
/“To allow oneself to be carried away by a multitude of conflicting concerns, to surrender to too many demands, to commit oneself to too many projects, to want to help everyone in everything, is to succumb to violence.”
I know I’m not the only one who is challenged by the cooler months… After all, according to Ayurveda (a 5,000 year old holistic science from India) autumn through early/mid winter is Vata season.
Vata is the principle of movement, coolness, and wind. Therefore the energetic quality and weather conditions of the season cause most of us to agitate more easily, become more anxious or “spacey” than usual, and have a harder time feeling grounded and calm. We can all benefit from incorporating some Vata balancing techniques during this time.
Vata is subtle, light, cool, rough, drying, and variable. So we need to emphasize heavier, warmer, smooth, moist and more stable kinds of things to offset the increased seasonal Vata.
Oil Up
This is my favorite Vata treatment, the self-oil massage also known as Abhyanga. This Ayurveda treatment is known to relieve dry skin, help with body mobility, and dramatically reduce the Vata emotions of anxiety, depression, fear, and nervousness. It is often recommended to oil half an hour before a bath or shower. But I love to do it before bed and sleep in my oil! Sesame and almond oils, both of which balance the wind and dryness of this season, are usually best.
Eat Warmth
Enjoy warmer, cooked foods and less cold or raw foods. Enjoy root vegetables, soups and stews. Use warming spices like ginger, black pepper, cinnamon and cumin, but not extremely hot spices like cayenne pepper.
Saturate Sweetly
Drink plenty of room temperature or warm drinks; enjoy warmed soy or rice milk spiced with cinnamon and nutmeg. Eat your meals at routine times.
Scents for Sanity
Choose aromas that are sweet, heavy, uplifting and warm during this season. Some suggestions are sandalwood, sage, frankincense, lavender, orange, lemon, vanilla, cinnamon, and cloves. You can use them as incense, aromatherapy, or with diffuser to keep you in balance.
Color Your World
According to Ayurveda, everything in the universe is energetic and gives off a vibration, including colors. And what colors we wear all day can greatly contribute to how we feel in our body and mind. You don’t have to be too fashion savvy, simply look to nature example and choose colors from the environment around you. In this cooler season of autumn, warmer richer hues, like autumns foliage, are a great choice. Adorn your self with accessories of deep red, warm gold, and burnt orange.
Do it Again, and Again, and Again
In genera, l try to stick to a regular routine; get more sleep, use less stimulants, do daily yoga. I know it sounds like a lot of things to concentrate on, but these simple techniques can help to keep you feeling grounded, steady, and healthy all season long!
Read More About Health and Ayurveda During Vata Season
Simple Guidelines For Decreasing Vata
Deepak Chopra's Healing Wisdom