Restorative Yoga Flow - Constructive Rest Practice
/Try This Constructive Rest Practice
This potent 6-minute restorative yoga flow practice is a simple sequence that weaves together Constructive Rest, with mindfulness meditation and breath-based movement. It's just enough to leave you feeling gathered: more present, grounded, and open.
Try Constructive Rest at Home
Props you’ll need: Two long rectangles–folded blankets, stacked.
• To Set Up: Lie down on your back, knees bent, feet on the floor, arms resting alongside your body. Bring your feet a few inches from your seat and a little wider apart than your hips. Let your knees fall together to hold each other up.
• Place your stack of blankets over your knees with the long ends draping down the sides of your legs. This will help you release all muscular effort in your legs.
• As you explore being in your yoga poses and restoratives, feel free to readjust with any micro movements that help you feel more comfortable, grounded, and at ease.
• Rest Here: Gently pay attention to your breath. Follow several long exhales as you progressively release your body weight into the ground. Allow your feet, seat, back, and head to fall into the embrace of the earth.
• Mindfully scan your face and soften any obvious squinting and clinching in the eyes, ears, and mouth. Let your tongue rest fully on the floor of your mouth.
• Practice resting here for 5 to 10 minutes.
Let your feet land heavily on the ground.
Feel your footprints dropping deeper and deeper into the earth.
Effortless legs.
Your pelvis cradled by the earth.
Your back melts into the ground.
Feel the ground welcoming your shoulders and upper back,
Allow the earth to receive your head completely.
Welcome your breath into your body.
Welcome your breath with a softening belly.
Your breath caring for you as it flows in and out on its own.
Let your belly soften more and drain down into your back.
Let your body rest on the ground.
The earth will hold you.
Let your breath into your body.
The ground longs to carry you,
so your breath can fill you.
To prepare to finish, bring your hands to your belly and pause to feel your palms receiving your breath. Imagine the breath unraveling any lingering knots inside.
Slowly transition out of the pose by taking the blankets off your legs and hugging both knees to your belly. Gently move in any way that feels good to you. Mindfully roll to your side and pause, then caringly press up to sitting.