Gain Insight from Outside Amidst Autumn's Quick Changes
/Autumn, a master teacher, beckons us, lures us, to behold its beauty while we bear witness to its passing; demonstrating the art of letting go, of release. It invites us, encourages us, and even may eventually demand us to experience the reality of impermanence. Autumn restores our humility, reminding us that ultimately we are not in control: no matter how much planning, arranging, solidifying we do, there is a cycle beyond our manipulation.
And, as we move deeper into autumn, surrounded by its grace-filled splendor, we will surely pause in awe of its ability to illuminate both joy and melancholy simultaneously. And awe, like love, is a heart-expanding experience, helping us increase our capacity to stay soft and open to what’s in front of us. Take time all season, to be outside and soak up the wisdom of guru Mother Nature.
Try these simple ways to embrace change as you shift into this inspiring season:
Take a short walk outside every day
Find a park or an area with some tress or seasonal vegetation. As you walk enjoy the smell of the air, notice the change in the environment. Most specifically, observe how the leaves change each day throughout the month. Each evening spend a few moments journaling about what you noticed today.
Have a few hours to spend in nature?
Plan a trip to the woods, or a park. Bring a journal. After enjoying the environment and taking a mindful walk, find a spot to sit down in. Relax, and look around. Find a particular tree to observe. And contemplate, if the tree was your teachers, if all the trees where your teachers, what would they tell you about change? Journal about what you learned from your tree teachers.
Practice the art of giving thanks
On your hike out in nature, or as you walk, notice what makes you feel grateful. Notice the temporary reality of what you are enjoying. Mentally extend your gratitude towards your point of interest, as you see it and feel it. For being here now for you to partake in. Before bed, journal about your gratitude.
Ayurvedic Approach to Attuning with the Changing Season
Fall is a natural time of transition and an ideal moment for a gentle detox cleanse that will reset your body and mind, and prime your system for a winter of wellness.
“Restorative poses will also help bring you into a state of receptivity that’s perfect for the season, says New Jersey yoga teacher and restorative teacher trainer Jillian Pransky. ‘I look at autumn as a transition into a new year,’ she says. ‘I look at nature: The harvest is over, and it’s time to clear out. It’s an opportunity to till the soil and plant the seeds for next year’s harvest. Once we do this for ourselves, we can recommit to what is working for us and set ourselves up to get more of what nourishes us in our lives.’”
Read more on the Ayurvedic approach to diet, yoga, meditation, and lifestyle to support you all season.
Clearing for Change
Eliminate Clutter in your home. Instead of creating a super long list of fall jobs around your home, pick only one clean-up project you have been thinking of doing. Usually we have such a long list of things to do around the house, we either barely get to any of them, or rush through all of them. Instead, truly enjoy completing just one – feel the accomplishment and notice the change. Enjoy this new space in your home and in your mind for new energy and inspiration to flow in.