Calm Body, Clear Mind, Content Heart: A Yoga, Meditation, and Nature Retreat
Discover the state yogis call “true happiness.” Contentment is not a mysterious occurrence-it’s a behavior, a conscious decision, a choice you make each moment of your day. Happiness is an “inside job,” because energy follows thought. And while yogis teach that this state of contentment is your birthright, it takes steadfast practice to live this way.
In this workshop, you learn to:
- Be simultaneously grounded and wide open, rooted and blooming
- Linger longer in a natural state of openness and contentment
- Recognize and return to a deeper state of relaxation any time you feel disconnected
- Take your practice off the mat and into your life.
Jillian Pransky weaves mindful vinyasa yoga, restorative yoga, and deep relaxation with metta (loving-kindness) meditation, mudita (joy) meditation, and nature walks to help you grow beyond habitual patterns. As your body and heart relax, you naturally open to new possibilities.
Recommended listening Jillian Pransky, Relaxmore (CD).
Note: Come prepared for outdoor time each day. Bring good walking shoes or boots, a journal, and a small altar item such as a photo, nature item, and religious or spiritual relic, to create a personal practice space that is inspiring and uplifting.
CE Credits
This program is eligible for:
- 23.5 credits for Yoga Alliance (YA), $20 additional charge
- 23.5 credits for Athletic Trainers (BOC), $20 additional charge
Total Cost: $300*
*Tuition only. Cost of room and board will differ based on choice of accommodations.