Throughout your life, you receive well-intended messages of encouragement from those around you: Be strong! You can do anything you want! These messages can be empowering, but they can also fire up a journey of constant goal-setting, achievement, and success-seeking that leads to stress and burn out. It is not about learning to be better and do more, it's about learning to be here and do less. It’s about connecting more with yourself, others, and the world around you. Master yogi Jillian Pransky helps you achieve a deeper state of relaxation and openness, allowing you to access profound intelligence and the wisdom of the mind-body connection.
This on-site and online program weaves together deep listening practices with mindful flow vinyasa, restorative poses, meditation, relaxation, and journaling exercises to help you explore the space between stimulus and response.
Jillian teaches integrative practices that engage and develop a deeper awareness and connection to the body, breath, and mind. Her emphasis on internal observation, rhythmic breathing, and fully supported rest gives you the space to choose your responses, making your actions a direct reflection of your deepest wisdom, compassion, and skillfulness.
“Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.”