The psoas is a core muscle that lives deep within your body, and connects the legs to the spine. When you feel unsafe, this muscle contracts. In fact, it’s said to be the very first muscle that’s activated if you need to fight, flee, or freeze, and therefore is known as the “stress muscle.” A tight psoas can contribute to irritability, restrict your breathing, and cause pain in your low back, hips, and even digestive system. When in a more malleable state, this muscle can leave you feeling grounded yet buoyant and spacious. And, when free from unnecessary tension and congestion, the psoas is also known as the “love muscle” as it creates an ease and freedom in movement and the ability to be fluid and open. In this 90-minute class, we’ll explore how the psoas relates to stress, digestion, breathing, posture, as well as a sense of safety and relaxation. Then we’ll flow through a supple psoas sequence that weaves together mindful slow yoga, restoratives, and deep rest. Register Now.
A Supple Psoas Practice To Feel More Calm, Centered, and Spacious. Thursday, May 14. 7:00-8:30 pm. You'll need a mat, two blocks, and two yoga blankets or two long pillows.
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Price: $30 Register Now.