Out with the Old and In with the New: Seasonal Tips & Tricks for Warming Things Up

Expanding Your Digestive Fire in the Heart of Winter

Berkshire Yoga Retreat Oct 2010-51.jpg

Manifesting our intentions is a lot like the process of Digestion. As we envision a healthy future, we simultaneously clarify that which is no longer useful to us-- and we release it.   In Yoga and Ayurveda we believe that all things must move through the transformative process of digestion -- not only our food, but also everything that our senses come in to contact with --what we see, hear, taste, smell, feel and think.

Everything that is ‘taken in’ must be ‘chewed on’ and broken down. When we are genuinely relaxed, we assimilate that which will contribute towards our well being and we release that which would become toxic if built up.

While complete digestion is always the cornerstone of good health, it becomes the focus of a winter yoga practice and self-care routine. As we slow down with this contraction cycle of nature, we need to take extra efforts to ignite our digestive fires, in order to prevent build up of toxins and other types of heaviness that consolidation encourages. 

We can maximize and harmonize our bodies, minds and spirits to flow more naturally with the heaviness of winter and even be nourished by it. Try performing more asana to address organs of digestion where build up of mucus and toxins can accumulate in the lungs, stomach, or intestines. Think twists, forward bends, side bends, simple inversions and easy chest openers. In addition, focus on these things: grounding (standing poses, hip openers), inner heat (slow-flow vinyasa and deep breathing that doesn’t over stimulate or prevent energy from moving down in a way that encourages release and elimination), deep relaxation (restoratives).  For more digestive wisdom, check out my Tranquil Tummy sequence and YogaJournal's article on Ayurvedic cooking, Digest This

Sip for Change and Keep the Heat on All Season 


Want to loosen up the stuck stuff and breath fire? I use this all winter and especially when my body is holding on to toxins or bacteria.  When I have a cold – I heat it up with this. 

What is in this Fire Cider stuff? It is a mix of apple cider vinegar and raw wildflower honey. Oranges, Lemons, Onions, Ginger, Horseradish, Garlic, Turmeric, and Habanero Pepper.… And yes, you will have fire-breathing powers after just a hit of this!

Or, you can try my homemade Winter Elixir: 

This mixture is known for their properties in aiding digestion, reducing inflammation, boosting the immune system, fighting unwanted bacteria. It is also actually oddly yummy and can help re-tune your taste buds towards more healthy choices away from sweets of the season.

  1. Half of a Fresh Squeezed Lemon
  2. A Teaspoon of Fresh grated ginger
  3. A Shake of Tumeric
  4. A Shake of Cinnamon
  5. A Dash of Black pepper
  6. A Dash of Cayenne
  7. Honey to taste

Optional additions:

  1. Apple cider vinegar 
  2. Shake of Pumpkin Pie Spice

Photo courtesy of FireCider.com