Metta in the Moment: More Ways to Practice, On & Off the Mat
/“You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”
The Quick Fix: Anytime, Anywhere.
An instant way to tap into your basic loving nature is to spend a moment, everyday, thinking of someone you love or have gratitude for. This is the perfect practice to use while you are on hold on the telephone, waiting for your waitress to bring over you lunch, or in the elevator.
I usually do it after my yoga practice. I simply pause, take a deep breath, and consciously bring to mind some I love or feel gratitude towards. Images of family and dear friends easily arrive. And of course my puppy, Sunday! But once I start, many beings continue flowing into my mind. People I didn't even expect or intend to think of. I pause with each person for a moment and deliberately extend appreciation to them. I always feel better when I’m done!
Remember: that to which you give your attention, expands.
Just as practicing a piano piece can ingrain the memory of it into a player's fingers, practicing Love (Metta) can ingratiate it into your body, mind and heart so your actions are more likely to be guided by your own loving-kindness in more moments of your life.
Metta on the Mat
Learn how to infuse your practice with Metta, with this Yoga Journal article, Metta in Motion.
An Open Heart: Practicing Compassion in Everyday Life
by the Dalai Lama and Nicholas Vreeland
Of course the Dalai Lama is an inspiration to us all! And this book is an easy to read highly impactful example of his teachings. His Holiness the Dalai Lama writes simply and powerfully about the everyday Buddhist practice of compassion, offering a clear, practical, inspiring introduction to the Buddhist path to enlightenment.
A Heart As Wide As The World: Stories on the Path of Lovingkindness
By Sharon Salzburg
The Buddhist teachings have the power to transform our lives for the better, says Sharon Salzberg, and all we need to bring about this transformation can be found in the ordinary events of our everyday experiences. Salzberg distills more than twenty-five years of teaching and practicing meditation into a series of short essays, rich with anecdotes and personal revelations, that offer genuine aid and comfort for anyone on the spiritual path.
Love the Scent of Sandalwood
Sandalwood essential oil is not only so used for calming, centering, grounding, and relaxing, it is an aphrodisiac too!