Can You Hear Me Now? Can You See Me Now?

1. Mindful Listening to Grow More Present, Relaxed and Open

Observe yourself in your next conversation. Do you listen fully? Do you mostly think about what you want to say next? When we are thinking of what we want to say it's hard to listen fully or really hear what the other is saying. When your mind is jumping to the next thing to do, it's hard to be fully present with what you are actually doing.

Same with yoga; when you are thinking of how you want the pose to be, or how you think you should be in the pose, it's hard to experience yourself fully, as you actually are in that moment. For me, yoga and meditation practice are about becoming more present, cultivating receptivity, and learning to relax with the various conditions that spontaneously arise. With this intention, each pose evolves slowly, mindfully.

Try it in your next practice, move into your poses as if you are having a conversation with yourself. Practice listening instead of talking. Listen compassionately, without judgment. Eventually, with practice, you can learn to take this approach into your daily activities more

2. Mindful Seeing

"We look at things always with old eyes. You come to your home; you look at it without looking at it. You know it -- there is no need to look at it. You have entered it again and again for years. You go to the door, you enter the door; you may unlock the door. But there is no need to look. This whole process goes on robot-like, mechanically, unconsciously. If something goes wrong, only if your key is not fitting into the lock, then you look at the lock. If the key fits, you never look at the lock. Because of mechanical habits, you lose the capacity to look; you lose the freshness to look. Really, you lose the function of your eyes. You become basically blind, because eyes are not needed." (Read more from Osho) 

3. Being Present

Our true home is in the present moment.

To live in the present moment is a miracle. The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green earth in the present moment.

To appreciate the peace and the beauty that are available now. Peace is all around us, In the world and in nature. And within us — in our bodies and our spirits.

Once we learn to touch this peace. We will be healed and transformed. It is not a matter of faith; It is a matter of practice.