Double Your Pleasure: Practice Yoga Off the Mat
/“Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher.”
Yoga doesn't have to be practiced on your mat, in your postures. Yoga means 'union', to yoke - uniting our mind, body, and spirit with each other and the universe - connecting fully with each moment. Sometimes, being in nature can help you reach this union more effortlessly.
Simply bring a yogic-approach to any activity you choose (i.e,: mindfully approach your swimming, body surfing, or canoeing). Stay gently aware of your breath as you listen to the sound of the water, fully experience the water temperature and texture, and observe the nature around you.
Try it on a walk or hike. Notice the various smells such as the soil, trees, and flowers. Appreciate the feel of the breeze or warmth of the sunshine. Be silent and listen to the birds and insects. Sense each step as you connect to the earth.
Here are some ways to include yoga in your outdoor life:
Game Changer: Mindfulness on the Tennis Court
Staying Calm, Cool and Collected on the Court with Online Video Practices
6 Ways to Use a Swimming Pool for Therapeutic Yoga
Read more:
August's Yogalicious: Harmonize With Nature For Optimal Health
Walk the Talk: Enjoy Mindful Walks in Nature
Listen in and Open Up: A Meditation to Expand Into Nature's Soundscape