Let it Spark in You
Aztecs used the term Firefly metaphorically, meaning a spark of knowledge in a world of ignorance or darkness.
Sit in a comfortable position, in a chair or on the floor. Spine long, but relaxed. Breathe normally. Rest your mind on your breath. After a few breaths, imagine your inhale brings in bright light. Imagine your exhale radiates that light from every pore. Inhale, your inner body fills with light. Exhale your outer body glows softly, radiating your inner brightness.
After a few minutes of visualizing your breath and light, simply sit in your radiance. Like a firefly effortlessly and naturally radiates, allow your self to organically shine out. Sit for a few minutes longer and mentally send your light to anyone who needs it or to all beings everywhere.
This meditation has many benefits such as relaxing your body, calming your mind, helping regulate blood pressure and heart rate, and balancing your nervous system. However, it has deep spiritual effects as it helps you bring in the universal energy more fluidly and allows you to offer it back out more readily.
Perhaps the oddest phenomenon of the firefly is some species' ability to blink in unison. Trees filled with fireflies have been known to blink in rhythm—as though someone is flipping a light switch on and off.
Some scientists believe that the synchrony guarantees a nice, dark moment for flying males to see the faint answers of the females. Others think that males are trying to beat the clock and be the first to flash to impress the ladies. Still others think that by coordinating their blinking, the collected males send a strong signal that will attract the females even from quite far away to their resident tree. For more facts, click here!
WATCH THIS AMAZING VIDEO from a forest in Tennessee where fireflies put on a show unlike anywhere else.
AND ENJOY THIS TIME-LAPSE VIDEO and photography of Fireflies by Vincent Brad.