Get Free Yoga For Six Weeks!

Enjoy Seven Perfect seasonal online practices with me FREE at MyYogaWorks

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My New Classes


This delicious 35-minute mindful flow will finish feeling centered, calm, and open. We will use a variety of core awareness techniques and strengtheners, with attention to releasing rigidity and over-effort; standing poses for grounding; twists, side body lengtheners and back bends for expanding our breath and reducing tension. Creating a powerful sense of fluidity and ease: Like water, what is soft is strong. Water wears away rock. This is a perfect morning - to loosen what's stuck, stimulate digestion, clear your mind, and leave you feeling calm as you move forward with the day. A great practice for summer and autumn! 

SHORT MEDITATION: Centered, Calm, & Open.

An 8-minute meditation that begins with a short body scan to release excess tension, allowing you to feel grounded and settled. We then settle our soft attention on the breath, as we grow more present and relaxed. We will finish by expanding our awareness with a simple listening technique. In only a few minutes, you will feel refreshed and at home - in your body, in the present, more relaxed and open. 

YOGA NIDRA: A Deep Relaxation to Relax and Open Your Body and Mind.

This 12 Minute Yoga Nidra variation will guide you from your head to your feet. From your body, to your breath, to your mind. Yoga Nidra is also known as yogic sleep, and is known to balance the nervous system, while releasing tension and rejuvenating your energy and inducing a meditative state of consciousness. Systematically, you will move your awareness through your being and have time to unwind - physically and psychologically. You will finish feeling more at ease and rejuvenated. Grounded and open. Don't worry if you relax so much, you stop listening to my voice. Simply allow yourself to breath deeply, and notice your own inner experience.