VibeWell Yoga Festival Asbury Park: October 26 & 27

VibeWell Yoga Festival Asbury Park: October 26 & 27

I'm so excited to join the vibrant and passionate VibeWell Community in the second annual Asbury Park Festival - and join this group of incredible presenters including the amazing Robert Sturman as well as Karena Virginia, Jessica Stickler,  Phyllicia Bonanno, Ellen Mosko,  Vanessa Van Noy, and Bridget Riepl.

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Sea Hear Now - From FOMO TO JOMO

Sea Hear Now - From FOMO TO JOMO

Most often, it is easier to stay focused on our disappointment, on what we missed or what we might miss. What we could have had, what we could have done. What we should have, or should be doing. You know: that whole FOMO thing -- Fear of Missing Out. Or FOBO -- Fear of a Better Option. All day long, we mentally pull ourselves out of the present, away from where we are. It's exhausting and joy robbing to be somewhere other than where we actually are. It's also depleting to try to do it all; it lowers the quality of everything we are squeezing in.

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