How Do You Know When It Rings True?

How Do You Know When It Rings True?

I know it’s ironic. I have been suffering from a severe inner ear condition since December, and the title of my recent book is Deep Listening.

Lately, the deepest listening I’ve been doing has been to my new teacher, Tinnitus. Ugh. Not only has my hearing been greatly affected (everything is underwater and muffled ), but I’ve also been trying to relax with intense bouts of pain and pressure in my ears and eyes.

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Rituals Helps Us Slow Down, Pay Attention, and Evolve

Rituals Helps Us Slow Down, Pay Attention, and Evolve

September always has me on the run. And even though there is an excitement to the freshness of renewed schedules, new notebooks (for my List Of Things To Do), and reorganizing drawers and closets, it is also an important time for relaxation and slowing down. Under the fresh start of September there is an undercurrent of nostalgia; a complex intertwining of change and reconnection, good-bye and hello.

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