Yoga to Help You Lighten Up!

Shedding heaviness in the body mind and spirit

Namaste Friends,

Last year, Prevention magazine called me to be featured and contribute to an article, “Yoga For Weight Loss.”  

Ugh. I paused and immediately imagined the magazine rack at the supermarket checkout line fighting for attention. Headlines that promise quick fixes are preying on our national sense of inadequacy, assuring us that, 'we could be happy if...'

While I agree that yoga can be an amazing holistic approach to weight loss and weight maintenance, as a yoga practitioner and teacher, my focus has long been on how the practice helps us cultivate more self-acceptance, compassion, presence, mindfulness, happiness, and overall wellness.  Thankfully, as my conversation with Prevention continued, it was clear that we were on the same page! And, that it was a great opportunity to discuss how finding more peace in our mind leads to more peace in our body, leads to a ‘lightening up’ in our whole being.

Prevention writer Hillari Dowdle pulled together a mountain of the latest scientific research illustrating how more gentle, mindful forms of yoga are helping us lose body fat and pounds, and keep it off.  And we then discussed how our yoga practice on the mat can change the way we feel and behave off the mat, and how a mindful practice can help us make more nourishing decisions all day.

As a lifelong athlete, and a gotta-get-it-done kind of a girl, I've often favored intensity over less sensation. I spent years pushing myself around in everything from exercise to my work life, from keeping my closets organized to getting my list of 'to-dos' done.  I have found in my own journey that the more mindful, caring and friendly I am with myself, the lighter, happier and healthier I am in all aspects of my life. 

I am not talking about just lying around and 'relaxing'. My practice is more engaging than ever, sometimes stronger than ever. But I am more present and take the time to fully feel and experience, not just 'achieve'.  This brings more compassion, spaciousness and awareness to everything I do, on and off my mat. (And I still get an long list of things done.)

Prevention featured this article on The Surprising Way Gentle Yoga Can Help You Lose Weight as the cover story last June.  It was a huge success.  I not only received wonderful emails from readers inspired to create a gentler approach to their practice, but within the first few weeks of its launch, over 20 thousand people were practicing my Easy Yoga For Weigh Loss - Mindful Yoga Program Online Video at  

I was honored to have the opportunity to bring this healing wisdom to the masses. And, my wish is that it will help more of us discover that path to health and happiness, while demands discipline and commitment, may be more gentle and easier than we think.

In this issue of Yogalicious I share below the the Prevention article, a 10 minute-Yoga routine to try at home, and a 17 minute Free online yoga practice.  I've also included a super article by Pema Chodron on how our attitude can make us heavier or lighter. And join me each week for my Yogalicious Blog as I will share lots of tools, techniques, and recipes to help you feel lighter in your body, mind and heart all season.

With love and light,

Read the research.  Practice the yoga. lighten up your approach.

Read Surprising Ways Gentle Yoga Can Help You Lose Serious Weight.

Practice with me now to lighten up your mind and body with Gentle Yoga. This 17 minute sequence is free online at Prevention, and here for you to return to day after day right in your own home. 

The Spiritual Practice Of Lightening Up.  By Pema Chodron.  "Being able to lighten up is the key to feeling at home with your body, mind, and emotions, to feeling worthy to live on this planet. For example, you can hear the slogan 'Always maintain only a joyful mind' and start beating yourself over the head for never being joyful. That kind of witness is a bit heavy." - Pema Chodron


lighten up with a retreat This Summer!  

Join me AT KRIPALU IN JULY for a weekend or a mid week retreat

“Offered in the beauty of Kripalu’s natural environment, this retreat provides the perfect combination of yoga, meditation, and time in nature to leave you centered in your heart. Jillian Pransky weaves slow flow vinyasa, restorative poses, mindfulness, and walking meditations under the wide-open sky to leave you grounded, expansive, and with a deeper connection to yourself and the world.” READ MORE AND REGISTER



June 11: MindFULLness Practice to LIGHTEN You Up - You will receive inspirations and links to establish or enrich your home practice.
June 18: DeLIGHTful Summer Recipes - Brighten your whole summer with these delicious dishes from Kripalu's summer menu that you can make in your own home.
June 25: Lighten Up With This Ancient Healing Practice - A simple practice by Thich Nhat Hanh to help you lighten up as you “Smile, breathe and go slowly.”