Join us for a Discussion of Theories And Practices Of Yoga And Alignment with Abbie Galvin, Amy Matthews, Brooke Myers, Jillian Pransky, and David Regelin
Have you ever been told to line up your heels and arches in Warrior 2? But where exactly? To place your knee directly over your ankle? But should you do it the same way the 200-pound guy next to you is doing it? Yoga classes are full of these anatomically based alignment instructions. Do they really work the same way for every one of us with our different body types?
Perhaps a teacher has told you to locate your third eye, find moola bandha, or become sensitive to the sushumna nadi running up the center of your body. And you've wondered how you actually do that – or is it more of a metaphorical idea?
What is alignment exactly and why is it important? Why do different schools have such different instructions? How can we find a subtle energy center through physical direction and how can we find a physical stance through poetry and imagery?
An all-star panel of five top yoga teachers, Abbie Galvin, Amy Matthews, Brooke Myers, Jillian Pransky and David Regelin, will discuss this important topic. Our panelists will talk about how they teach not only students but yoga teachers about alignment. After a formal discussion, questions from the audience will be encouraged.
This Deeper Learning panel discussion is part of YogaCity NYC’s commitment to opening serious dialogue between diverse schools of yoga in New York City because we want to foster growth, greater understanding and greater community among us. The series is led by the website’s publisher and founder Brette Popper.