Home Practices for Sustainable Energy All Winter Long

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Winter is nature’s time of hibernation, retreat, and contraction. As winter’s cold, wet, dark, and heavy qualities increase around us, they grow within us as well. 

Nature demands that we insulate more as winter encourages us to wear more layers, stay inside, and do fewer activities outdoors. We are urged to move inward for rest and replenishment, just as the Earth stops producing in order to build a new reserve and be bountiful again in the spring. While we slow down and preserve the precious reserves which are essential for replenishment at this time, we also need to keep winter’s heavier qualities in balance.

According to yoga and Ayurveda, like qualities increase like. To ensure that winter’s contracting elements do not weigh down our body and mind, we need to equalize by creating warmth, lightness and openness. Our yoga practice, spiritual practice, and life style should also keep things bright, fluid and moving inside.

To help keep up our spirits and health, it is no coincidence that this time of year offers many festivals that celebrate light, warmth, and communing with others. Keep in mind, as we are offered these historic seasonal traditions to not pack yourself with stress, overstimulation, and heavy foods. For you will pay for it as you settle more into the deepness of winter and come out in spring with more colds, allergies, and mucus to rid yourself of.  How you move through winter of course, effects your blooming in spring.

Slow flow yoga and restoratives are a great way to warm the body, create circulation, encourage elimination, and cultivate inward awareness and receptivity without expending unnecessary energy or depleting ourselves. We can work deeply and mindfully with minimum effort.  Keep in mind that it is important not to burn out this season in a frenzy to get rid of holiday calories or cabin fever. Sleep, rest, and meditation are important for your well-being and metabolism as well. Research shows that restorative yoga can help people lose fat, according to a study from the National Institute of Health

Try these On-Line Home Practices to help you feel calm yet energized, warm, and balanced all season:


Reduce fatigue and brighten your mood all season long with this beginner-friendly 10 minute sequence. You'll gets lots of core work, inner warmth, and a feeling of strength with out depleting any of your energy reserves.


For mindfulness, stability, and calm. This well rounded 17 minute routine increases circulation, builds strength and flexibility while cultivating peace of mind and clarity.  You will feel better in your body and more clear in your mind.


Relaxing with your legs elevated up a wall or on a chair may seem simple, but it has incredible rejuvenating effects on your whole being! You can even do this in your office (just remember to close the door.)

30 Minute Restorative at MY Yoga Works

Here is some Extra Holiday Cheer! YogaWorks is offering 6 Weeks of FREE Membership to their online yoga studio, myYogaworks.com with a coupon code. Use Coupon Code, JILLIAN at checkout and enjoy myYogaWorks at home for 6 weeks! You will be able to enjoy my 26 min Restorative Yoga Session - great to 'rest and digest' and all the fabulous videos of YogaWorks! It will get you through the season. 

10 Minute Restorative Goddess Pose

The Restorative pose, Goddess, is a great option to balance winter's heaviness. This pose can help lift your overall mood and energy, deepen your breathing, promote digestion, and increase elimination. This is a great way to harmonize with the heart of winter while expanding into your own body and mind.