It's not an obstacle, it's a portal! (Opening into the 'bruitful'.)

It's not an obstacle, it's a portal! (Opening into the 'bruitful'.)

“Life is brutal. But it's also beautiful. Bruitful, I call it. Life's brutal and beautiful are woven together so tightly that they can't be separated. Reject the brutal, reject the beauty. So now I embrace both, and I live well and hard and real.” —Glennon Doyle Melton

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Relaxing In Difficult Times. Plus Practices To Help!

Relaxing In Difficult Times.  Plus Practices To Help!

Right now, as the whole world is dealing with the challenge of Covid-19, the pandemic of stress is possibly spreading with more virulence than the virus itself. There are so many things we cannot control, so much uncertainty.

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5 EASY Ways to Warm Up Your Wellness Routine

5 EASY Ways to Warm Up Your Wellness Routine

Brrr... I don’t know about where you are reading this, but for those of us on the East Coast it has been a very chilly winter. We have had a lot of snow and frigid days that have kept us bunkered in at home. Since December we gathered at home with friends and family, cooked a ton of meals together and tried many new recipes. We have also spent a lot of time laying on our kitchen floor as it is the warmest spot in the house, cuddling with our pup, and, I admit, discovered (several) TV series.

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At Home Winter Solstice Retreat and Ritual

At Home Winter Solstice Retreat and Ritual

n December 21, nature moves us through yet another one of her cycles! On this day, in the Northern Hemisphere, we will enter the darkest moment of the year. This day marks the Winter Solstice, the shortest day and longest night. In Latin, the meaning of Winter Solstice is ‘sun set still in winter.’ Historically, many cultures honor the solstice as a time to acknowledge the passage of life and death, death and rebirth; our greatest contraction and expansion. For after the long dark evening of the solstice, the sun experiences a rebirth; it waxes in power and daylight hours begin to grow longer again.

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Home Practices for Sustainable Energy All Winter Long

Home Practices for Sustainable Energy All Winter Long

Winter is nature’s time of hibernation, retreat, and contraction. As winter’s cold, wet, dark, and heavy qualities increase around us, they grow within us as well. 

Nature demands that we insulate more as winter encourages us to wear more layers, stay inside, and do fewer activities outdoors. We are urged to move inward for rest and replenishment, just as the Earth stops producing in order to build a new reserve and be bountiful again in the spring. While we slow down and preserve the precious reserves which are essential for replenishment at this time, we also need to keep winter’s heavier qualities in balance.

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