It's not an obstacle, it's a portal! (Opening into the 'bruitful'.)
/“Life is brutal. But it’s also beautiful. Bruitful, I call it. Life’s brutal and beautiful are woven together so tightly that they can’t be separated. Reject the brutal, reject the beauty. So now I embrace both, and I live well and hard and real.”
When I began teaching my weekly live streaming Zoom classes on April 1st, I was deeply missing community and sharing yoga in person. Now four months (and almost 60 Zoom sessions) later, I am simply amazed by the connection we are able to cultivate online.
Surprisingly, one of the most remarkable benefits of practicing online is exactly what I was apprehensive of to begin with—our “separateness.” Practicing alone, together. But what initially seemed like an obstacle? actually has turned out to be more of a portal: a direct opening to work with our real and often messy lives.
We are stepping onto our mats right in the midst of our day: with our struggles and joys, our fears and longings, our strengths and weaknesses, our sorrows and celebrations. We take just a short break to pause, breathe, move, gather ourselves, rest, recuperate—so that we can step back into our lives with more resources and a greater capacity to choose how we wish to show up or respond.
As I have long prescribed, our time on our yoga mat is the “pre-game.” Our real practice begins when we step off our mat. And the beauty of online practice is that we really get to... step right into it... Like, ready, set, go...
I’d love for you to pause and consider your own life over the last few months. Have any obstacles turned out to be portals? How has stepping from practice in your Zoom room into your real-life transformed your day-to-day experience?
Moving Forward—Practicing Together
I am now ready for a short break to pause and consider how I would like to create experiences for us to gather this fall. I'll be taking off from teaching my regular 10 am classes for August, to rest and work on a few new exciting projects!
Please join me this week for my last 10 am classes of the summer!
As a gesture of gratitude, when you register for a class, on Tuesday (7/28) - Restorative Flow and Friday (7/31) - Deep Slow Flow, this week, you'll receive access to the recordings until 8/31! These two classes together pair beautifully together - balancing strength and openness, stability, and fluidity - as we continue to navigate our unpredictable times.
Plus, as many of you have requested, stay tuned for an announcement on how you can purchase recorded meditations, yoga classes, and mini-retreats from the past four months! I am excited to return in the fall with new live classes, workshops, and teacher trainings.
Until we see each other again, may you be safe and well.