Easy Ways to Slow Down, Do Less, and Rejuvenate
/Words of Wisdom
“Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is a nobler art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials.”
Namaste Yogis and Yoginis,
If I had it my way this month, I’d spend less time ‘out in the world’ and more time in my pajamas cuddled up on the couch in front of my fireplace. And why shouldn’t I? All of nature is doing it!
Throughout winter, the Earth contracts, stops producing, and slows down to allow its inner energy reserve to accumulate. When winter thaws, this stored energy bursts into spring, allowing the earth to produce abundantly again. Like the Earth, we too go through cycles of contraction and expansion. We need to slow down and pull in so that we replenish our energy instead of depleting our reserves during this vulnerable time of year.
I used to feel guilty about having this pull to slow down (if I felt it at all). I have long been an overachiever of sorts—keeping pace with the urban world, holiday celebrations, or simply feeding my desire to feel ‘stimulated’ and ‘purposeful’. But these days, after years of yoga practice, I find myself much more influenced by and responsive to nature’s rhythms.
And, on December 21, nature moves us through yet another one of her cycles! On this day, in the Northern Hemisphere, we will enter the darkest moment of the year.
This day marks the Winter Solstice, the shortest day and longest night. In Latin, the meaning of Winter Solstice is ‘sun set still in winter.’ Historically, many cultures honor the solstice as a time to acknowledge the passage of life and death, death and rebirth; our greatest contraction and expansion. For after the long dark evening of the solstice, the sun experiences a rebirth; it waxes in power and daylight hours begin to grow longer again.
We can maximize and harmonize our bodies, minds and spirits to flow more naturally with this turning point, and even be nourished by it. This issue of Yogalicious, and every blog this month, offers you inspiration to align with nature and savor this transition through slowing down, letting go, and kindling your inner glow. And, keep in mind—as you take care of yourself this winter, know that you are nourishing yourself for more than the present moment. For how you nurture yourself throughout winter, will dictate how you bloom up in spring.
May you, your loved ones, and all beings everywhere experience peace, warmth, and light this season, and all seasons!
With joy,
- My Number One favorite besides my OWN yoga practice is to book bodywork or a massage! Do this NOW!
- Essex County favorite: Andrea Silk
- NYC favorite: May Ray Rolfing and Cranial Work
- NYC favorite: Ayruvedic Spa: Pratima
- Hoboken favorites: Susanne Ziegler and Hoboken Acupuncture
- Berkshires favorite: Kripalu Healing Arts
- My Number Two favorite: do a self-massage every morning or evening (in Ayurveda, this is called abyanga). Learn more and DO THIS TONIGHT!
- Extending the length of one meal a day, or even one meal a week. Even an extra 10-20 minutes per meal to sit afterwards will do wonders!
- Turn off the TV a half hour earlier before bed and take a bath or do a restorative pose (see below for sample poses).
- Take off a few hours each week or month to shut off all your technology. Don’t answer the phone, email, text, etc. Or if you are brave, pick one hour a day where you will not be involved in your technology!
- Go for a slow walk outside each week. Savor each step and all the scenery you pass. Meander.
- Say no to that extra invitation or activity even if you love it, but keep that time on your schedule and use it instead read a book, write a letter, take a nap, draw, or relax in some other way.
- Enjoy a few minutes each morning to do a mindful, slow yoga practice. (Try one of my short online practices on youtube.)
- Or plan for a Retreat! If your budget allows, get a way for a night and stay in an inspiring natural environment like the beach, country, or mountains (but I’ve even retreated to the hotel in the neighboring town before!) And if you have the time to enjoy a longer getaway, come join me for a Winter Renewal Retreat at Kripalu, or a week on the beach in Costa Rica March 7-14.
- Lastly, remember that you don’t have to do everything!
Abraham Lincoln recommended:
“Do not worry; eat three square meals a day; say your prayers; be courteous to your creditors; keep your digestion good; exercise; go slow and easy. Maybe there are other things your special case requires to make you happy; but, my friend, these I recommend.”