A Little Breather
/“It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.”
Many people think that their meditation only counts if it is 20 or 30 minutes long. But, a little bit, often reaps far more benefits than a lot once a week. For most of us, it’s much easier to meditate for one minute every day than it is to meditate for 30 minutes every day. And you’re more likely to notice how you good you feel with that small change because you’re not thinking as much about some big chunk of time you have to create.
Try this meditation every day this week:
Sit down in a comfortable position. (Or, you can do this standing on line in any store or waiting for your train).
Follow your next few breaths and mentally note: the beginning, middle and top of the inhale; feel a moment of pause at the top of your breath, then mentally note the beginning, middle and end of the exhale. Pause, and relax, at the end of the exhale.
In short, you will stay present with the full length of each breath as well as the spaces between them. This will leave you feeling more calm and present - in only a minute!
If you like this practice, try it in the morning as a meditation practice, and each week add one minute. In one month you will have a four-minute meditation practice. In two months, an eight-minute meditation practice. In three months, a 12-minute meditation practice. This is more than enough time to make a huge impact on your health and sanity. And on a day you don't have enough time - simply go back down to any amount that feels reasonable. Just don't skip a minute a day.