How To Light Up An Ordinary Day

How To Light Up An Ordinary Day

My birthday is June 8th, and my son William's is July 30th! He turns 12 Today! 

When William was about to turn three, he took celebration to a whole new level.

At my birthday dinner, William (anaphylactic to gluten), tasted a magnificent flourless chocolate truffle cake. Instantly, he was enamored with the sweetness of celebration! He asked, to prepare for his birthday to come, "could we have a party every day?"

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Let it Spark in You

Let it Spark in You

Sit in a comfortable position, in a chair or on the floor. Spine long, but relaxed. Breathe normally. Rest your mind on your breath. After a few breaths, imagine your inhale brings in bright light. Imagine your exhale radiates that light from every pore. Inhale, your inner body fills with light. Exhale your outer body glows softly, radiating your inner brightness. 

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Wander, Wonder, and Expand Into Summer

Wander, Wonder, and Expand Into Summer

As the summer's playful light expands, we have the opportunity to stretch own capacity for lightheartedness. For starters, it helps greatly to get out side more. Yoga doesn't have to be practiced on your mat, in your postures. 

Yoga means "union," to yoke  uniting our mind, body, and spirit with each other and the environment  connecting fully with each moment. Sometimes, being in nature can help you reach this union more effortlessly. With summer in full swing, it is a perfect time to be outdoors and bring a yogic approach to any activity you choose

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