YogaDork Ed | From Tight to Tender: Opening the Heart in Loving-Kindness



By Jillian Pransky

February 14, 2011, was the most heart opening Valentine’s Day to date… As the sun rose my father passed on. And forever now, Valentines Day will be truly a day that takes me deep into the heart. Amazingly, if you asked me a few years before what it would be like for me to go through this loss, and through the three months of his illness, my answer would have included words like “anxious, scared, frozen, tight, angry, etc…”

YogaDork Ed | Flowing into Spring's Rigor and Renewal



By Jillian Pransky

This past weekend I led a spring yoga retreat at Mohonk Mountain in New Paltz, NY. With morning temperatures at a frigid 29 degrees, the only sign of spring was no snow on the ground and a radiant, but teasing sun. Because spring alleviates the heaviness of winter with its fresh, effervescent energy, we tend to forget that it also comes with a rigorous intensity. It’s like nature’s way of *‘Rolfing’ the environment (and us.) 

YogaDork Ed | Lessons of Impermanence: The Answer is Blowing in the Wind



By Jillian Pransky

Tragedy, disaster, our deepest challenges, leave us feeling strangely present. They force us to stop, immediately. Seizing our attention. Convincing us, instantly, to open our eyes, ears, mind and eventually our hearts. Oddly, this is very similar to the type of presence we are practicing cultivating on our yoga mats and meditation cushions. To show up most fully.

YogaDork Ed | Time to Spring Up: Lighten Your Mind to Brighten Your Life



By Jillian Pransky

For as long as I can remember, I have loved spring. It is a joyful season. Nature’s regeneration ignites our faith and happiness; with the buds bursting and birds singing our hearts organically bloom open. Optimism flows more effortlessly.

YogaDork Ed | The Key Ingredient to Digestive Health This Season



By Jillian Pransky

In Yoga and Ayurveda we believe that digestion is the cornerstone of good health; everything that is taken in must be chewed and broken down. We must be able to assimilate that which will contribute to our well being and release that which would become toxic if built up.