Here We Are: Feeling Grateful In The Moment

Gratitude shifts your focus from what your life lacks to the abundance that is already present... Gratitude means thankfulness, counting your blessings, noticing simple pleasures, and acknowledging everything that you receive. It means ... being aware on a continuous basis of how much you’ve been given.
— Marelisa Fabrega

Namaste Yogis and Yogins,


I remember when I first started practicing yoga, I would finish and feel like I’d just returned from a vacation. How ironic that this incredible feeling of rejuvenation came from showing up more, rather than escaping – being more 'here' than 'there.' In fact, after my first few classes, I wrote a letter to my cousin Ally describing how at home I felt practicing yoga that day: 

“Wow. I feel so much relief. Layers of tension just melted. I feel space in my body everywhere. And in my mind, too! When class was over I realized... instead of being so busy getting stuff done, I just was simply relaxing with myself. I felt more at home than I had in years,” I wrote. “It’s like this magical mirror showed me how I spend so much time 'doing,’ and no time just 'being'.” 

Coming into the present moment wakes us from our preoccupation with our thoughts, over and over again.  

Becoming present is not a fixed state to which we’ve finally “arrived,” but instead a practice we come back to daily – moment to moment. We are developing the attentiveness to notice when we've tripped out, began planning, rewind, fast forward... In short, when we've left the scene. And in that moment, with care and compassion to welcome ourselves back, lovingly, into the now moment, as it is happening.

When we relax, ground, and come back into the present, we have more resources and a greater capacity to handle our situation than we may have ever believed. We begin to grow lighter and more spacious.

Being present allows us the freedom to truly pause and appreciate what is actually in front of us. We spend so much time preoccupied by rewinding and fast-forwarding that we rarely pause long enough to see, recognize and feel the gifts, blessings, and beauty of our lives. Add to that - today's bombardment of technology media and it is easy to get caught in the forest of "the grass is often greener in other people's 'airbrushed' lives." 

But as M.J. Ryan shares:

“In the moments we are awake to the wonder of simply being alive, gratitude flows, no matter our circumstances.” 

Of course we will all agree that it is necessary to be in 'work mode' in order to afford and 'cultivate' the life we long to live. But we often are stuck in the 'cultivating' mode and rarely drop into the 'experiencing' mode. We then often miss being in the present moment - where our hearts more spontaneously. Where we live in gratitude more organically. 

“We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” - Frederick Keonig

So in the spirit of thanks giving, this month's Yogalicious and each weekly blog is filled with ideas and inspirations to grow more present... so we can show up in fullness with the way things actually are. 

Right here with you,

I am super grateful to have the amazing Garth Stevenson joining us again this year to play his magical Bass during Restoratives at my New Years Renewal Retreat at Kripalu January 8-10, 2016. Enjoy a few photos of last years sold out program. And save your spot soon! 

Expanding Into The Present Moment

OPENING UP ON THE SPOT: During our day there are many opportunities to pause in the present moment and simply say "thank you." Whether it is in response to your coffee server, a telephone operator, a bus driver, your child or partner. This is an instant way to open our hearts more, connecting us with others and the environment in real time - no matter where we are or what we are doing. Plus, it actual will help us relax more and initiate 'feel good' hormones.  Who doesn't want a hit of that?

PRE-GAME OPENER: Spending just a few minutes each morning - can greatly expand your mind and heart throughout the many moments of your day.  Enjoy this  7 minute mindfulness meditation to arrive more completely all month long.  You'll be especially ready for Thanksgiving Day!

WELCOME HOME: Try reading this Thich Nhat Hanh poem (below) each morning after your practice or just on it's own.  It will encourage your arrival and awareness in the peace and beauty that is available now.

Our true home is in the present moment.
To live in the present moment is a miracle.
The miracle is not to walk on water.
The miracle is to walk on the Green Earth in the present moment.
To appreciate the peace and the Beauty that are available now.
Peace is all around us,
In the world and in nature.
And within us — in our bodies and our spirits.
Once we learn to touch this peace,
we will be healed and transformed.
It is not a matter of faith;
It is a matter of practice.