Shhhh.... How I Quit My Job

Shhhh.... How I Quit My Job

The practice of pausing and listening to our deeper inner voice rewires us. It allows us more access to our big-picture thinking, more comfort when we’re in a state of “not knowing,” and a greater capacity to pause before responding to challenging circumstances in our lives. It becomes easier to feel our own spaciousness and flexibility, allowing us to experience our relationships—and our life—in ways that we were not able to before. In other words, our perspective begins to change.

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Relax Into Your Original Self: A Narrative Therapy Practice

Relax Into Your Original Self: A Narrative Therapy Practice

“Far beneath the many thick layers of indoctrination about who we are and who we should be lies an original self, a person who came into this world full of possibility and destined for joyful unveiling and manifestation. It is this person we glimpse in another when we fall in love or when we idealize a leader or romanticize an artist."

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Hurry Up, Slow Down

Hurry Up, Slow Down

Even though you may feel like accelerating into September rush, it's actually a good time to also slow down and get more grounded.

It is a good time to nourish our roots, build our inner resources, like a tree pulling in sap. This will help preserve energy and boost our immune system for the eventual transition into winter.

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Most spiritual masters recognize being out in nature as a means to cultivating this peace more effortlessly. In fact, walking in nature has long been a path of yoga - also known as Walking Meditation. Walking Meditation is easy, takes little time, requires no formal training, and offers amazing health benefits. It is particularly valued for its ability to refresh your mind, give you an emotional boost, and help you feel more in sync with nature’s cycles.   

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Embrace the Slow of August

Embrace the Slow of August

I have always loved the slow of August.  Somehow, more than any other time of the year, I give myself permission to put aside my list-of-things-to-do and choose experiences that allow me to connect more with nature and therefore myself. 

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Learning to Relax Into Who We Truly Are

Learning to Relax Into Who We Truly Are

It's important to be heroic, ambitious, productive, efficient, creative, and progressive, but these qualities don't necessarily nurture soul. The soul has different concerns, of equal value: downtime for reflection, conversation, and reverie; beauty that is captivating and pleasuring; relatedness to the environs and to people; and any animal’s rhythm of rest and activity.

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