Four Ways to Perk Up and Start Fresh

Four Ways to Perk Up and Start Fresh

Just like a whiff of sun tan lotion can instantly inspire feelings of relaxing on a beach, certain essential oils can instantly rejuvenate you. I love this mix: 

Mix 10 drops of lavender and 5 drops of grapefruit and 2 drops of eucalyptus (or peppermint) in an unscented base such as jojoba oil. Lavender is calming, grapefruit is a mood elevator and stimulates digestion, and eucalyptus is excellent for opening the respiratory system. Try a few drops on your temples before you go to sleep, use it in the bath, or try it at the office.

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Welcome Change & Learn to Trust the Flow

Welcome Change & Learn to Trust the Flow

Change, self-initiated or not, moves us through a transition zone which creates a sense of groundlessness. The scary in-between state of letting to go of what we’ve always known and/or done to allow for something new (a new habit, pattern, way of thinking or acting) to emerge. It’s like being in flight between trapeze bars. It takes skill, dedication, and courage to relax and trust into this groundless state. 

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Enjoy a Fresh Start... All Year Round

Enjoy a Fresh Start... All Year Round

As the Maitri Upanishad states, “As is one's thought, so one becomes.”

Your intentions and thoughts create your actions. When you set an intention you become clearer about why you're doing something; what kind of attitude you want to commit to having; and what you hope to cultivate from the experience. In addition, when you are clear about our intention, you can more easily recognize any actions, reactions or self-talk that doesn't support you. But the thing to remember – the really important thing - is that you can recommit to your intention in any moment.

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Welcoming 2015 Without a Bang

Welcoming 2015 Without a Bang

For many the 'Drop of the Ball' has long been an alarm-bell to ‘fix’ what we don't like about ourselves, or so we will feel better.  We resolve to be thinner, healthier, wealthier, more ambitious, more confident, etc. 

However, our urge to 'change' ourselves, or our conditions, is often driven by a deeper unconscious desire to avoid, cover up, or numb out what we are really feeling. For instance, let me tell you a little bit about my annual urge to cut bangs. 

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At Home Winter Solstice Retreat and Ritual

At Home Winter Solstice Retreat and Ritual

n December 21, nature moves us through yet another one of her cycles! On this day, in the Northern Hemisphere, we will enter the darkest moment of the year. This day marks the Winter Solstice, the shortest day and longest night. In Latin, the meaning of Winter Solstice is ‘sun set still in winter.’ Historically, many cultures honor the solstice as a time to acknowledge the passage of life and death, death and rebirth; our greatest contraction and expansion. For after the long dark evening of the solstice, the sun experiences a rebirth; it waxes in power and daylight hours begin to grow longer again.

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The Art of Blessing

The Art of Blessing

To bless means to wish, wholeheartedly, unconditionally, total, unrestricted good for others.  And whether you are offering a blessing in private, or among company, or your acting with kindness and gratitude in the moments of your life - every one benefits.

Your blessings move outward and onward to benefits us all.  As the peace pilgrim says, "Every good thing you do, every good thing you say, every good thought you think, vibrates on and on and never ceases...”

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It's Not Something You Have, It's Something You Do

It's Not Something You Have, It's Something You Do

For many of us, gratitude often appears to be something you have, not something you practice. Practicing gratitude can have a profound effect on the quality of your day, your health, and it enriches your whole life.

It is obvious that by choosing to deliberately spend some portion of your day focusing on those things for which you are grateful, you spend that much less time stewing over what you don't have or what did not happen. Inevitably, you attract into your life that which you spend significant time thinking about. 

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