The Best Way To Make Sure You're Not Socially Distancing From Yourself. Plus Free Online Practices, Mini-Retreat, & Teacher Training.
/Dear friends,
May this find you well and at ease.
Meditation Teacher, Ethan Nichtern shared on Instagram, "Meditation is one of the best ways to make sure that you are not socially distancing from yourself."
He elaborated, "'social distancing' is a problematic term. We should be physically distancing very rigorously, but social distance might imply dissociation and disconnection, especially in regards to oneself. Keep your body away from others, but try to stay connected, especially to yourself."
Personally, my yoga and meditation practice has truly been my lifeline during this Pandemic Time. Every time I practice, even if only for a few minutes, I return to my body, breath, mind, and heart; I come back home. Almost instantly, I gain a greater capacity—physically, mentally, and emotionally—to return to a sense of calm and connectedness... at least for the day. (Or the next hour.) This is what inspires me to not only practice daily but just as importantly, use a 3-breath 'Pause Practice' several times throughout the day. I will share these Pause Practices with you and other Deep Listening Tools in my FREE Monday Meditations on Zoom as well as in all my Zoom classes next week. (see below for schedule).
In addition to my regular classes next week, I am offering two special events on April 25th! A Spring Mini Retreat for Rejuvenation, which will integrate a series of slow flow yoga, restoratives, and deep relaxation designed to release stagnant energy and heaviness and boost digestion and wellbeing (open to all levels). Plus, for Yoga Teachers, I'm offering a Training to learn to Restore Your Flow by using mindful movement as a restorative practice.
Lastly, next week we are also changing the settings on our Zoom Classes to allow you to enable your video cam should you wish, allow for a little more connection before and after class. I'll be in class 5 minutes early and stay after class to say hello and check-in. I will continue to use the CHAT feature too, as we've been doing to date. I am really enjoying this opportunity to CHAT with you all after class, as it is nourishing the heart of our community. Even while we are practicing Physical Distancing rigorously, we can still create nourishing, healing connections.
I hope you will join us to move, breathe, release tension, and nourish our wellbeing... and to remember we are truly together in this unseen Web of Life.
Join us for the next week for my Regularly Scheduled Zoom Classes:
Mondays 10am EDT: Free 15-Minute Meditation.
Wednesdays 10am EDT: Restorative Flow (60-minutes).
Fridays 10am EDT: Slow Flow and Deep Relaxation (60-minutes).
Spring Renewal Mini-Retreat: Root Down to Rise Up: A Spring Rejuvenation Mini-Retreat to Help You Bloom Right Where You Are Planted (Open to all levels).
April 25 10:00 am -11:30 EDT $35
Join us for a series of slow flow yoga, restoratives, and deep relaxation designed to release stagnant energy and heaviness and to boost immunity and wellbeing.
We will focus on practices that help us feel more grounded and rooted so that we can release the stress and tension that all of us, and all the world, have recently accumulated, while we harness the transformational energy of spring to keep us resilient in this time of transition.
As we come home to our body, breath, mind, and heart, we have access to more resources and a greater capacity—physically, mentally, and emotionally—to return to a sense of calm and connectedness. This experience of our connectedness leaves us feeling more at ease and open, setting the conditions to bloom and evolve along with spring's expanding nature.
We will close an optional journal prompt and an invitation to join me on CHAT and share how you are doing or any questions you may have.
You will need a yoga mat, three blankets, and two blocks.
Restore Your Flow Teacher Training: Transforming a Vinyasa Practice Into a Restorative Practice
April 25 10:00-11:30 and 12:30-3:30 EDT $100
CECs available. (Includes Mini Retreat). For current Yoga Teachers.
It can be difficult to "relax" these days... and for many, sitting in meditation can be challenging. Mindful Movement and Slow Flow Yoga is a great way to dissipate stress, restore resources, and initiate the relaxation response.
This training will focus on creating slow, mindful flow yoga sequences as a whole class experience or to use as warm-up prior to meditation and/or restorative practices. Gain the ability to design a nourishing, introspective, and restoring practice for yourself and the students you teach.
Learn how to:
Use slow mindful flow as a warm-up or in combination with restorative practices
Create a balance between activity and receptivity, strength and openness, calmness and energy
Weave creative sequencing and themes to harmonize movement with stillness
Balance the nervous system while cultivating a sustainable mindfulness practice
Guide students into deeper states of relaxation through a focus on chakras and koshas
The program will include a full class and several experiential exercises, demonstrations, and lectures. You’ll finish the training with creative inspiration to bring into your personal practice as well as flow classes, privates, meditations, and restorative offerings.
This training includes the 90-minute mini-retreat from 10:00-11:30 am.
Training Full Day Schedule:
Spring Renewal Mini-Retreat: 10:00-11:30 AM EDT
Lunch Break: 11:30 AM -12:30 PM
Teacher Training Session: 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM (Teachers only)
Want to stay up to date? Be sure to sign up for my mailing list to stay up to date on offerings including classes, special events, and trainings. And visit me on Facebook and Instagram where I regularly post my readings from class as well as announce upcoming classes.
Can't make it Live? All registrants receive access to the recording of all weekly scheduled classes for three days. Please understand, these are uncertain times, and my schedule is subject to change, so check my website and Facebook regularly for any updates.
I'm offering complimentary gratitude spots in weekly classes for Hospital Health Care Workers as well as a few hardship spots. For requests or inquires please email
Please remember, Monday's Meditation is always free! Plus there are lost of FREE practices in the Gift Practices section here on my web site.