How to Practice Now. Slipping Into Something A Little More Comfortable.
/May this find you safe and well.
And ... dressed comfortably.
You see, living with tension is like getting dressed to go to a party in clothes that are two sizes too small. Everything feels constricted. It’s uncomfortable. I don’t know about you, but if I’m wearing something even one size too small, I feel annoyed and grumpy. It’s hard to enjoy what I’m doing. I’m at this party with all the people I really want to spend time with, and I can’t pay attention to them. In fact, I can’t pay attention to much of anything except my own discomfort.
Yet these “too-tight clothes” are what we’re wearing every day. We live in them. In fact, most of us even sleep in them.
Tension is the stress response finding a home in the body.
Now, imagine wearing too tight clothing (as we most often are) and being somewhere, or with someone, or in some conditions - that is stressful... Odds are, we will react rather than respond.
When we harbor tension, it sets conditions, neurologically, that prime us to react habitually from a place of stress (our fear circuitry), rather than be able to pause and respond from a place of calm.
Victor Frankl writes, “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response.”
That "space" - between stimulus and response - is like Clark Kent's phone booth. It's where we have the opportunity to strip down to our superhero clothing. Every time we practice yoga and meditation, we are doing a complete wardrobe change. Even if it's only for a short while we create a little more room to breathe and feel at ease, we also create a shift that helps us to feel more calm, clear, and open. More connected. The more we practice on the mat, the more wardrobe options we have off the mat.
Choosing to change our clothing is a SUPERPOWER.
I hope you will join me this week in my Livestream classes (details as followed) and take some time to move, breathe, release tension, and take off your (too tight) clothes!
Plus - I'm very much looking forward to going deeper with you in these two Special Event Offerings:
A Supple Psoas Practice: Release and Restore - All Levels Thursday, May 14th. This practice is an essential tension tamer for the body and mind. It is my number one favorite series for slipping into something more comfortable.
Teaching Restorative Yoga with Minimal Props. Teacher Training. Friday, May 15th. Learn to adapt a restorative practice for today's conditions and to support your students (and yourself) with many tools and techniques using only 1-4 props.
Lastly, please remember, that Monday's Meditations are Free. Join us today at 10 am or register to receive the recordings from each week!
May we all remember that we can have a wardrobe change anytime, anywhere.