Relaxation rEvolution: You Say You Want An Evolution?

Relaxation rEvolution: You Say You Want An Evolution?

I admit, when glancing at an image of a restorative yoga pose, it could look like a luxurious nap. In fact, many people joke that it's yoga for lazy people. Another popular belief is that restoratives are really for sick, injured, or old people. And while Restorative is deeply restful and healing, it is not just a physical 'recovery' practice. On the contrary, I believe it is one of yoga's most advanced practices. Here's why.

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Join me for the relaunch of my online course: Restorative 101 with Yoga Journal!

Join me for the relaunch of my online course: Restorative 101 with Yoga Journal!

Journey into stillness and learn the tools and practices to heal, restore, and rejuvenate.

Join me in a 4-week guided course launching November 5th. Register today and receive $75 off the course (that's only $225)! Use discount code JILLIANSAVES to redeem this offer. Students can register anytime for an On Demand access to this course.

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Relaxing and Restoring: The Most Advanced Practice

Relaxing and Restoring: The Most Advanced Practice

The profound effect that restorative yoga has on my students (and my personal transformation), fuels my passion and dedication to spread this amazing practice.

So, when Yoga Journal approached me to create Restorative Yoga 101 for them, I jumped!  And, while they were ready to go and eager to add Restorative to their rooster of 101 Courses, they were not yet aware of the INCREDIBLY HUGE AND POSITIVE response they would get from their audience.

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