Find Restful Sleep with Yoga

Find Restful Sleep with Yoga

Vata is the "Air" element characterized by wind, movement, coolness, and dryness. In autumn and early winter Vata is the dominant energy both around and within us.  

If our own Vata energy is over-abundant, it can cause us to have a harder time feeling grounded and calm; we often experience less rejuvenating sleep, or deplete faster than normal.

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6 Tips to Balance Your Vata Everyday

6 Tips to Balance Your Vata Everyday

I know I’m not the only one who is challenged by the cooler months… After all, according to Ayurveda (a 5,000 year old holistic science from India) autumn through early/mid winter is Vata season.  

Vata is the principle of movement, coolness, and wind. Therefore the energetic quality and weather conditions of the season cause most of us to agitate more easily, become more anxious or “spacey” than usual, and have a harder time feeling grounded and calm.

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Double Your Pleasure: Practice Yoga Off the Mat

Double Your Pleasure: Practice Yoga Off the Mat

Yoga doesn't have to be practiced on your mat, in your postures. Yoga means 'union', to yoke - uniting our mind, body, and spirit with each other and the universe - connecting fully with each moment. Sometimes, being in nature can help you reach this union more effortlessly. 

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Listen In and Open Up: A Meditation to Expand Into Nature's Soundscape

Listen In and Open Up: A Meditation to Expand Into Nature's Soundscape

Find a place to sit down in a natural surrounding. If you can't be outside, sit by an open window.

Sit comfortably, relaxed; somewhere you feel safe, and where you won't have to get up for a few minutes.  You can lay down if it's appropriate.  You can choose to close your eyes or leave them open. 

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