Easy Ways to Slow Down, Do Less, and Rejuvenate

Easy Ways to Slow Down, Do Less, and Rejuvenate

If I had it my way this month, I’d spend less time ‘out in the world’ and more time in my pajamas cuddled up on the couch in front of my fireplace. And why shouldn’t I? All of nature is doing it!

Throughout winter, the Earth contracts, stops producing, and slows down to allow its inner energy reserve to accumulate. When winter thaws, this stored energy bursts into spring, allowing the earth to produce abundantly again. Like the Earth, we too go through cycles of contraction and expansion. We need to slow down and pull in so that we replenish our energy instead of depleting our reserves during this vulnerable time of year.

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The Ultimate Recipe for an Extra Grateful, Relaxing and Delicious Thanksgiving

The Ultimate Recipe for an Extra Grateful, Relaxing and Delicious Thanksgiving

Yum! You won’t miss the flour, oil, or sugar in these flourless pumpkin pie muffins! Loaded with pumpkin, chocolate, and warming spices, they make the perfect fall treat! 

And for those of you gathering with a family member that tends to ‘rile’ you up.  Here is a little practice, so you can open your heart, when you have the impulse to do the opposite. A visualization practice, Metta meditation, that can change your day, and leaving you feeling grateful when you least expect it.


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The Art of Blessing

The Art of Blessing

To bless means to wish, wholeheartedly, unconditionally, total, unrestricted good for others.  And whether you are offering a blessing in private, or among company, or your acting with kindness and gratitude in the moments of your life - every one benefits.

Your blessings move outward and onward to benefits us all.  As the peace pilgrim says, "Every good thing you do, every good thing you say, every good thought you think, vibrates on and on and never ceases...”

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It's Not Something You Have, It's Something You Do

It's Not Something You Have, It's Something You Do

For many of us, gratitude often appears to be something you have, not something you practice. Practicing gratitude can have a profound effect on the quality of your day, your health, and it enriches your whole life.

It is obvious that by choosing to deliberately spend some portion of your day focusing on those things for which you are grateful, you spend that much less time stewing over what you don't have or what did not happen. Inevitably, you attract into your life that which you spend significant time thinking about. 

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Thanks! How Gratitude Can Make You Happier

Thanks!  How Gratitude Can Make You Happier

Although Thanksgiving dinner may be a calorie counter's nightmare, a stage for family drama, and the hyper-launch into winter holiday planning, the practice of gratitude can make a tremendous impact on our hearts, minds and health.

When observed daily, thankfulness is linked to many physiological and psychological benefits. Scientifically speaking, regular grateful thinking can increase happiness by as much as 25 percent, and keeping a gratitude journal for as little as three weeks results in better sleep and more energy. 

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6 Tips to Balance Your Vata Everyday

6 Tips to Balance Your Vata Everyday

I know I’m not the only one who is challenged by the cooler months… After all, according to Ayurveda (a 5,000 year old holistic science from India) autumn through early/mid winter is Vata season.  

Vata is the principle of movement, coolness, and wind. Therefore the energetic quality and weather conditions of the season cause most of us to agitate more easily, become more anxious or “spacey” than usual, and have a harder time feeling grounded and calm.

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Double Your Pleasure: Practice Yoga Off the Mat

Double Your Pleasure: Practice Yoga Off the Mat

Yoga doesn't have to be practiced on your mat, in your postures. Yoga means 'union', to yoke - uniting our mind, body, and spirit with each other and the universe - connecting fully with each moment. Sometimes, being in nature can help you reach this union more effortlessly. 

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